
Bring on the Fluff...

Figuratively speaking that is.  You see, the blog will be changing slightly.  I will continue to write letters to my Babes and highlight those things which I enjoy.  There will be a relaunch in the Spring.  However, as of late, inner feelings and social happenings have caused me to become more inward, to the point where I do not feel safe or trustworthy enough to share that which is the utmost importance to me and defines me.  I do not even feel safe about revealing that which plagues me.  And that plagues me even more because lately my openness has led to a bombardment of unwarranted judgment, advice, and negativity that leads me to be more guarded.

This blog is a personal reflection of me and my family, and aesthetically it will remain so.  But no longer do I feel safe to even share here.  

My Babes ARE MY LIFE!  I LOVE MY LIFE!  Every decision I make is to benefit them in the way I think is POSITIVE.  Our decisions are our own, made with conviction, and without apology.

The Mama


  1. So sorry that you have had such negativity reflected back at you. Your openness was an inspiration for me to start blogging. I love our conviction in your chosen life!

  2. I still love blogging Terri and I questioned whether I should continue, since I have had really negative experiences with it in the past year and a half. Some personal things are going on and I feel like I should change a few things, with regards to myself, and that upsets me because I value honesty and I just don't feel true to myself if I hide things. But guarded I must be. I have been dealing with something as of late that I have never felt before and it is throwing me for a complete loop. I hope I figure things out soon because it aches me. but for now the blog will be about great photos, my inspiration and my babes.



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