
Vegan MoFo Day 3: Minty Fresh and Thoughts on Mindful Mothering

P.S. Gotta love a man who comes home with Baroque inspired cupcake liners - my fave

On Cupcakes:

It is 10 o'clock, the cupcakes are cooling and the minty fresh icing is ready to go on.  I skipped the ganache and instead plopped a lovely decadent chocolate chip in the centre.  They will make a lovely snack for the Papa on the scaffold.  NOTE TO SELF & LITTLEST OF BABES:  Caffeine may be a problem, but it is oh so good.

On Mamahood:

Today this Mama was exhausted.  Each day is filled with caring for these amazing Babes.  They each have their own personalities and I relish (mostly) in the aspects of all.  But at times when you combine a frustrated Mama with frustrated Babes and throw in a whole bunch of miscommunication from all sources, the day becomes long and hard.

My Babes are my world.  I cannot reiterate that enough.  They have filled my life with so much love, life, light and purpose.  With that comes huge responsibility. The responsibility of wanting them to experience life without thwart.  The responsibility to be nothing but supportive, encouraging.  The responsibility of not exposing them to that which my dysfunctional upbringing did me.

So on a day when the compromising became overwhelming, getting fresh air became an obstacle and lower back pain was a physical struggle, I lost sight of that responsibility and feel ever so guilty and upset.  As mother's we swear to do things differently, positively from those before us.  And I know I cannot beat myself up over it but I do and vow to change.  It is constantly a struggle trying to be mindful of each being in this Mess and their individuality and how we interact.  But I must continue to be mindful.  I want to affect my Babes positively and have a relationship with them based on trust, love, acceptance and communication.


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