I have a one year old babe now. She is precious, perfect, enjoyable, amazing, far from challenging. I am a mother of two other babes who rock my world daily. They love our interactions and encourage me to be the best. Hilarity, cleverness, curiosity, happiness and health permeate. And to me emotional intelligence is far more important than other "intelligences". I fill their day with play centred learning, affection, good food, love.
My vision for my children may not fit into the mainstream. I want to homeschool with a nature-based unschooling approach. I want them to be taught to navigate through this "real world" of commercialism, greed, technology, with an understanding but also with questions. I want them to value the earth, our greatest gift and cherish all its gifts which we destroy each millisecond. Mainly I want them to love.
These are all simple desires. For some, surprisingly those closest to me, these are absurd. My decision to unschool by some is considered outlandish. They site anti-social behaviour, have had the audacity to imply that my children are unintelligent and that their ways of mothering are better. They seem to also imply that I am intentionally trying to harm my children.
Let me begin with the fact that I've heard it all before. My babes are Vegan. Okay...are you over it yet? Well I am. Everything I do, I approach from a place full of experience, education and research. To ever imply that I would go out of my way and harm my kids implies that I am uneducated and basically a selfish monster. So thanks for that. Secondly, if you don't know anything about veganism, research and then maybe ask me about it. I'll be happy to inform you. Because I am confident.
So back to the homeschooling thing: IT IS MY THING! It is the one thing that I am passionate about. It is the one thing, next to veganism, that I have researched extensively and implement daily. And for those of you who don't know, or know and choose to ignore,
Or still judge or whatever, I am educated. I graduated top of my class. I am well read and for that which I lack I seek assistance. I love learning.
I am writing this post to basically get it off my chest because quite honestly it hurts when those closest to you, those who are supposed to support you in your passions don't. It hurts even more so when those same people who you have supported unequivocally and have never talked smack about, don't afford you the same respect. And quite frankly, I'm tired (physically and mentally...ask the papa how ill it has made me) of explaining our decision and having my confidence kicked in the butt. So this is the last you will hear of my thoughts on homeschooling. I'm going to carry on my confident way and love my babes.
(Any grammatical errors I chalk up to the old I phone)