
New Year's Eve Resolutions


The mini-workshop that focused on discovering my word of intention for 2013 was a starting point.  My word is water and as explained previously, I plan to live with that element at the forefront.  Tomorrow I begin a Month of Water Challenge which I will go into more depth tomorrow, but it is the perfect cleanse that I need to start this year of free-flowing me.

As a scatterbrained Vata and artistic soul, mother and wife, things get lost in the shuffle.  I plan to work towards cleansing myself of objects and mess that interrupts my flow.  There will be small lists and completing of tasks.  


I adore working out and using my body physically.  Running is a passion of mine and plan to do it at least 4 times a week.  My goal is to get back to pre-baby feelings of love for my body.  I would love to incorporate yoga and strength trainer.  I must nurture my body through hydration.  I must respect my body with amazing food (mostly vegan and whole).  I must not allow a tainted script to tell my body that it is undeserving.  Finally getting my digestion issues under control would be super awesome as well.


Happiness must begin with yourself and it will emanate outwards.  My dear friend Christine, suggested keeping a happy drawer full of things to go to when a sadness enters.  I plan on filling this drawer with a journal, art projects, a book and candles.  I plan on reducing negative talk about myself and others and our world.


Although I continuously work towards our homeschool curriculum, I must also recognize the importance of the rhythm of each of my children and seasonal affects.  I plan to do a lot of natural crafting.


*  Take my blog to the next level for sponsorship.  Would love for it to be our source of income so that it can allow me to continue to stay at home and provide all that they need.  I would love to guest post or have a guest post on my blog from amazing women.
*  Bake an amazing cake from fondant for one of the Babes
* Sell vegan baked goods at the town coffee shops
* Adult Clothing Line of 10 outfits
* Knit and needle felt my butt off
* Go on a road trip
* Get a new car.
* See those I adore more often: Alyssa, Christine, Marlene, my sis, Terri, El, Tonya, Miche and Miriam
* Eliminate Coffee from my life
* A new tattoo
* Open an etsy shop
* Have a garage Sale
* Complete my Sketchbook
* A four-pack would be awesome
* Learn more about the moon

Wellness Journey: Resonance

The apothecary course has begun and it has already been so life changing and reaffirming.  A lot of the women in the group are on similar journeys or have so much wisdom you can't help but marvel in their amazingness and crave their knowledge.  One such woman is Laura.  She is truly an artist, writer and blogger that I admire and follow weekly.  She writes at Violet Bella.  A couple of days ago, she posted something that just hit me so hard and resonated.  I have always felt a connection to the moon and deeply believe that it can affect us.  The moving of tides is such evidence for our bodies are wholly composed of water.  How could one not be affected but such a force?

Here is the post and this resonated with me as it did Laura:

"There are some memories so deeply embedded within the Unconscious, that they need to be exposed for transformation and healing to take place so they no longer influence your life or behaviors. Why hold on to painful memories from your own life or that of your family ancestors and genetic lineage.

The exquisite potential of the Full Moon in Cancer is re-establishing emotional purity and strength. Allowing one to be confident and free to express feelings and flow with life. Learn to honor your feelings and attune to the Sacred Feminine. Be receptive to healing and also remain open to allowing things to wash away and prepare your inner container for new beginnings by being in the present moment. Let the raw emotion of rejection, abandonment and emotional betrayal heal.  Allow love to caress you and nourish you on every level.

Another piece to the Full Moon in Cancer is that people have a tendency to live on auto-pilot tend to carry forward sticky emotional guilt, painful memories, family curses, intense bitterness within the ancestral lineage without even questioning anything. And at times this plays it out in their personal lives or with situations in present time. The old story repeats in a loop like a memory.

The Full Moon in Cancer offers a wonderful opportunity to let go of being on auto-pilot and detox. Allow whatever is meant to be exposed to be revealed you can face it head on and move forward. It it also possible one’s family or ancestors that have transitioned (died or left the physical body) will be around to support this important phase and transformation. They too want to contribute so that the ancient patterns heal and become whole and healthy once again."

Our house has been full of an emotional rollercoaster.  The Papa has been off for a two week period and all beings in the house have been off mentally as well.  There has been a lack of connectedness and for me major feelings of rejection, abandonment, and emotional betrayal.  There was a foggyness that was hovering in and around me (this auto-pilot) that definitely returned me to a time of painful memories and history which I thought was finished.

Yesterday, I spent almost three hours (such a small time) with an amazing woman.  We were highschool friends.  There were parallels and we just seemed like we would fit.  As with many highschool relationships, you go your own ways.  There was a reconnection and she graced me with her presence at my wedding.  We moved to her old hometown of Perth and online exchanges ensued.  Over these past couple years we have grown closer I believe metaphysically and I just have such a love for this woman.  It is amazing to see how our relationship has just blossomed to a really deep connection that is pivotal in my life.  We want to support each other.  We understand each other.  We are these Vata-Pittas (you'll get it).  It seems like this year has been monumental for both of us and I know we both feel honoured to have each other in our lives.

Christine, my friend and RMT at Sage Wellness.

Well...after talking with her for such a short time, there was this epiphany that emerged.  There came finally, after years of self-doubt and questioning, a calmness in myself.  She exuded a love and reiterated how she viewed me as an amazing being.  And for the first time, I actually believed it.  The Papa came to pick me up from the coffee shop and there I was, completely blissed out.  We got back to our old VolksWagon, he hopped through my passenger side because his door is broken.  He sat, warmed my hands, and I smiled.  Then my mouth opened and I just talked about this amazing being and how she affected me.  My body was warm from love, literally and it seemed like a harshness and any hate towards it that I had had been holding onto just melted.  It was the coolest feeling ever and forever will stick with me.

Thank you friend.  You rocked my world.

And Thank you, for allowing me to be vulnerable today and for supporting and loving me, and encouraging me to love myself.


The Mama


Our Christmas Day

Our Christmas Day with photographs taken by our brother John David.  Aren't they magical!


Our Christmas Eve

WELLNESS JOURNEY: Apothecary Teachings: Word of Intention

My apothecary course has begun and I am super excited.  So far Laura Emily, my teacher, has presented us with a mini workshop that centres on discovering our word of intention for the year.  I mulled it over and it was almost a reverse brainstorm.  I thought about all the things that were important to me this year and then came to the word:


it is that which sustains life.  it are those characteristics of water that I want to absorb and use to transform and transcend.