We can now introduce our little bundle of joy to the world.
Harriet Audrey Mai Grier
Born January 21st, 2010 at 6:17 AM
at the Montfort Hospital
6 pounds and 2 ounces
with the help of student midwife Tina McMahon
midwife Paula Salehi
After a routine ultrasound on Wednesday that resulted in the belief that you might be in the 5th percentile of weight for your gestation, it was concurred that we should try to induce labour. We never ended up medically inducing labour but did a procedure that Wednesday in the hospital that sure enough brought it on. And after getting to the hospital at 2:30 am, you were born at 6:17 am, with the help of your supportive father, my doula and our wonderful midwives. At 9:00 am we left the hospital to bring you home and here you will stay surrounded by love of family.
awesome! the ones of her and char are soo cute! xoxoox