And it reads....
Dear Santa,
This is my first year writing to you and I am very excited to leave you cookies and soy milk (I hope you like it - it is the only thing mommy and daddy drink).
My name is Charlotte Harlow Laine Grier and I am 5 months old. I asked mommy to write this for me because I can't, as of yet. Plus I am too busy playing in my bouncy chair!
I really don't need much. So many of my friends and family ave done so much already. As long as the milk and play time keeps flowing I will be fine.
I guess it is protocol to ask for something though, so......
For my dog Alley . . . . . A new frisbee;
For my daddy . . . . . A zombie movie;
For my mommy . . . . . art supplies or books for her Doula training
For Grandma, Grandpa,
Nonno, Nonna, Aunty Ashley,
Aunty El, Anthony, Uncle Rodel,
Uncle John, Eabha . . . . . hugs and kisses from me
For my boyfriend Emil . . . . a guitar - he loves to rock 'n roll
So good luck in your sleigh. When you come by I will probably be asleep - I'm such a good baby.
Love Charlotte