
Charlotte's New Sled

Christmas Celebrations


A DJ Saved my Life

Painting in the Kitchen with Mama and Dada

Charlotte was itching for a bath and just prior to Allen suggested that we paint first. So we put one piece of paper (BIG MISTAKE!) out and begun. Paint got everywhere...but soooo much fun!


Fave Book

In the past month, not a day goes by that me or Allen have not read this book to Charlotte. The rhyming is great and Charlotte recognizes a few letters and pictures.


Eating snow...not the yellow kind

Charlotte's first snow play involved being buried under snow by Allen and then picking up a big piece to quench her thirst.

I love these amazing shots that Allen took.

Daddy Taking a Nappy

Allen fell asleep and Charlotte brought him her sippy cup and Climbey. So Cute!

Charlotte's Little Fairy Dress


Cousin Anthony's Birthday

Happy Birthday ANTHONY!

December 7th was Cousin Anthony's 2nd birthday. He had a get together at his house and his Phillipino grandparents and family set up a delicious spread of food for all the guests. It was so amazing. Rodel's mom even made a tofu dish specifically for Charlotte and Allen. I, as usual, gorged on vegetarian items and cake. But it is always worth it!


Boris and Bella...or should I say Joris and Ella

This book has quickly become Charlotte's fave book. We read it approximately 4 times each day.

"Bella Legrossi is the measiest monster in Booville. Her slime was the slimiest; her grime was the grimiest. Her piles of lizard gizzards blocked the doorways, and her stacks of snake tails overflowed her counters[...] Boris is the tidiest monster in Booville. he vacuumed his vampire bats, dusted his spiderwebs, and polished his pythons daily".

They look very similar to Uncle John and Aunt Eleanor. Hence we call them Joris and Ella.


I love being warm...in the Dryer.

Charlotte's new cozy place to be is the dryer. She loves the echo and there is even a shelf for her raisin container.

When Babies ATTACK!!!!

Mommy's Belly

Allen and Charlotte finger painted a pumpkin chariot on my belly.
My Belly with a clown nose
Charlotte being gentle with baby


Dear Santa

And this year, the letter reads:

Dear Santa:

As usual, I cannot write yet. Although I am developing well (getting new teeth, eating solid foods, walking, learning words), I still am only 16 months old and unable to write. So Mommy is going to transcribe my Christmas wishes & list.
Mommy and Daddy say that I will have a new baby sister after the holidays. I am so excited to teach her things and play. I will show her all my fun toys and share my outfits with her. Please make sure little Harriet is healthy and a good baby to Mommy and Daddy, just like I was.
We will be moving to Montreal in the New Year. I am looking forward to it but I will miss my family and friends very much. Please keep them safe when we are not in Ottawa. I love them so much!

Now...down to business: my Christmas Wish List.

I do have a lot of books and toys and am really blessed.
On my reading list: anything Caillou, with alphabets or French

I would love an IKEA kitchen set with wooden food or dishes to play with and a little wooden table and chair where Mommy and Daddy can put my snacks and I can craft.
We will make sure to put out carrots for the reindeer, cookies for you and soy milk and tea.
Keep safe and make a lot of children's wishes come true.

Love Charlotte Harlow Laine

P.S. I love zombies, cats and dancing